Relapse prevention

Person suffering relapse

Relapse Prevention techniques: Practical tips and tools to handle cravings, stressful situation, and life changes in early recovery

Some techniques to stay away from your addiction

Staying on the path to long-term sobriety and recovery takes constant vigilance and preparation. Relapse is always a risk, especially in the first year of recovery when urges and cravings can be most challenging.

Here are some practical relapse prevention techniques to help you handle difficult situations and life changes during early recovery:

• Identify and avoid triggers - Be aware of people, places and things that commonly trigger your substance use. Make a plan to avoid or minimise exposure, especially during early recovery.  

• Manage cravings - When cravings strike, try deep breathing, sipping water, calling a support person/sponsor or leaving the situation altogether. Distract yourself with a different activity to ride out the urge.  

• Modify routines - Establish a new daily schedule that replaces substance use times with healthy alternatives like exercise, mealtimes or hobbies.  

• Reach out for support - Talk to your rehab counsellors, support group, sponsor or family members when you need help or encouragement. Isolation greatly increases relapse risk.  

• Prepare for high risk situations - Make a plan for how you'll handle common triggers like social events, holidays, stressful days, etc. Practice and rehearse what you'll say if offered drugs or alcohol.  

• Avoid old environments - In early recovery, try to avoid old pubs, clubs or places you associated with substance use. Those connections to your past use need to be broken.  

• Develop new coping skills - Find healthy ways to deal with stress, boredom and difficult emotions that don't involve substances. Consider exercise, meditation, journaling and more.  

• Seek prompt help - If you find yourself thinking about relapse, reach out for help immediately. Rehab centers like us at Findrehab can support you through a relapse event and help get you back on track.  

What to do to start the process

For confidential advice and support on relapse prevention, treatment options and rehab centers, contact the Findrehab team on 02031484945 or [email protected]. Our specialists are here to help make your recovery journey as smooth and successful as possible.

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