Drug and alcohol addiction - useful contacts

Addiction Helpline

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in the UK, it can feel incredibly difficult to know where to turn for help. However, there are many local and national organisations in the UK that specialise in providing addiction help UK.

This comprehensive guide provides information on various support services available for those dealing with drug or alcohol addiction and mental health issues in the UK. We outline the top organisations to contact, what they offer, and how they can help you along your recovery journey.

Call our free confidential helpline

A great first step for anyone seeking addiction help UK is to call our free and confidential helpline on 020 3148 4945 for confidential advice. Our trained addiction advisors are available 24/7 to offer guidance, emotional support, and point you in the right direction of local treatment options.

We understand seeking help for addiction can feel daunting. Our helpline offers a non-judgemental ear to listen without pressure. Advisors can discuss your situation, assess your needs, and recommend the best approach whether that be one-on-one counselling, intensive inpatient rehab, support groups or other available resources for alcohol or drug users.

Our aim is to make the process of accessing help as smooth and stress-free as possible. We're here to answer all your questions and concerns, and support you every step of the way on your road to recovery.

Help someone with an addiction

If it's a friend or loved one struggling with addiction, there are still ways you can support them until they're ready to seek professional help and confidential advice. Some of the best approaches include:

  • Express your care, concern and willingness to help without judgment
  • gently encourage them to seek help and offer to attend initial appointments
  • Help address any urgent health or safety issues their addiction may cause
  • Learn about addiction so you can understand what they're going through
  • Attend Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meetings to get support for yourself
  • Set boundaries to protect your own mental health if their behaviour impacts you
  • Be patient and allow them to make their own decisions about recovery

With compassion and understanding, you can play an important role in their initial motivation to seek life-saving addiction treatment, long-term recovery and mental health support.

Addiction Useful Contacts
Addiction Useful Contacts

Useful contacts for alcohol problems

Aside from our confidential helpline, some of the top UK charities and organisations specialising in alcohol support help UK include:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

AA is one of the largest international addiction help and recovery support groups. They offer 12-step recovery meetings all over the UK, both face-to-face and online.

AA takes a holistic approach to supporting individuals overcome alcoholism through peer support, working the 12 steps, and ongoing sobriety maintenance. Their hotline is open 24/7.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA)

For those struggling with the impacts of a parent or caregiver's alcohol addiction, NACOA provides invaluable addiction support for drug or alcohol dependent parents.

They offer resources to help cope with feelings of shame, lack of trust and control issues that often develop through being raised by an addicted parent. NACOA also runs nationwide support groups and online message boards.


Operated by Alcohol Change UK, Drinkline's confidential helpline offers information and advice on low-risk drinking, problem drinking and where to find further alcohol treatment services. Advisors can assess anyone worried about their own or a loved one's relationship with alcohol.


One of the UK's largest addiction charities, Addaction provides a wide range of addiction treatment services and recovery support programs across England. This includes medical detox, residential rehab, counselling and outpatient support groups.

We Are With You

Formerly called CGL, We Are With You operates addiction clinics and community programs nationwide. Their services include alcohol and drug counselling, detox options, prescription drug help and recovery housing to aid long-term sobriety maintenance.

By utilising the confidential helpline resources outlined in this guide, those dealing with addiction have a solid support system to advocate for their needs and initiate the journey to wellness. With compassionate help, drug and alcohol addiction can be overcome through accessing the right UK treatment pathways and addiction help programs.

Help for Families of Those with Addiction

The effects of a loved one's addiction don't only impact the individual, but can take a huge toll on family and friends as well. But you don't have to go through it alone - there is addiction help available specifically for families and friends.

Al-Anon & Nar-Anon

If a family member or partner is struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon offer invaluable peer support. These 12-step programs, modelled after Alcoholics Anonymous, are designed for relatives and friends of addicts.

Meetings provide a safe, non-judgemental space to share experiences and coping strategies with others who truly understand what you're going through. Many find it cathartic and empowering to connect with others also impacted by addiction.

Family Support Meetings

In addition to 12-step groups, many UK treatment centres and charities host open family support meetings. Led by addiction counsellors, these sessions aim to educate family members on addiction as a disease.

Attending a meeting is a helpful first step to understanding how best to set boundaries, communicate with your loved one in recovery and manage co-dependency. Partners are also given tools on how to maintain their own self-care amidst the rollercoaster of addiction.


Oftentimes the strain of a loved one's addiction takes a psychological toll on family wellbeing. Counselling provides a confidential outlet to process complicated emotions like fear, shame, grief and low self-worth under a supportive professional.

The Pain of Addiction Counselling Service offers subsidised short-term therapy sessions to address common issues like co-dependency, emotional dysregulation and relationship difficulties stemming from addiction.

NALOXone Training

For families of opiate users, overdose is a real and frightening risk. Thankfully, addiction help organizations provide Naloxone administration training programs.

Naloxone is a life-saving medication that rapidly reverses opioid overdose. These UK workshops teach families how to identify overdose symptoms and properly administer Naloxone kits to help prevent fatalities during emergency situations.

With compassion and understanding, family addiction support can empower loved ones to process their own experiences while focusing on the wellbeing of their addicted family members. There are many ways UK organizations aim to lighten that burden through confidential assistance, guidance and empowering resources.

Contact Us
Contact Us

Call our free confidential helpline

As one of the leading addiction helpline services in the UK, we understand finding help can feel confusing and overwhelming. Please don't struggle alone - our team of addiction advisors is standing by ready to listen without judgement and provide guidance.

We will discuss your specific situation, assess your needs, and recommend practical next steps whether that involves one-on-one counselling, intensive inpatient rehab, prescription medications, support groups or other local UK addiction help resources.

Our priority is ensuring you or your loved one's health, safety and long-term recovery. So don't hesitate to call us anytime, day or night. Your confidentiality and care are our top concern. Start your path to wellness - call our free helpline today.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I have an addiction?

Some common signs of addiction include loss of control over substance use, cravings, withdrawal symptoms, neglecting responsibilities due to substance use, and continued use despite negative consequences. Taking an inventory of your use and withdrawal patterns can help assess if your relationship with substances has become unhealthy or problematic.

What is the difference between physical and psychological addiction?

Physical addiction develops when the body grows accustomed to having a substance present. Psychological addiction refers to the mental "dependence" and thrill-seeking associated with substance use. Both can contribute to compulsive behaviour and cravings when abstaining. Many struggle with elements of both, but recovery is certainly possible with the right treatment approach.

How long does addiction treatment take?

There is no set timeline as every individual and recovery journey is unique. Most residential or inpatient programs last between 30-90 days to address physical dependence and implement new coping skills. Ongoing counselling, outpatient groups and lifestyle changes are usually recommended during the first year of recovery for long-term sobriety success. Recovery is a lifelong process but gets increasingly manageable with time and ongoing personal growth work.

Does addiction run in families?

Genetics are believed to play a role in addiction susceptibility for some. Having a close biological relative with a substance use disorder increases personal risk. However, family history alone does not determine fateā€”upbringing, mental health, trauma exposure and other environmental factors also strongly influence individual trajectories. The good news is that recovery is just as hereditary when surrounding oneself with a supportive recovery community.

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