

Drugs and alcohol addiction is sadly a growing problem in Liverpool and its surrounding areas, and it's affecting many people across the city and beyond. Whether it's due to social pressure, a coping mechanism for stress, or simply curiosity, drug and alcohol use is on the rise in Liverpool. The situation is very concerning, and it calls for immediate attention.

What do the statistics show?

Statistics show that in 2020, there were 339 drug-related deaths in the Merseyside area, with Liverpool accounting for a significant proportion of those deaths. Additionally, alcohol is also a major contributor to the addiction problem in the city. In 2020, over 13,000 people were admitted to hospitals in Liverpool due to alcohol-related illnesses, and over 1,500 people sought treatment for alcohol addiction.

What are the consequences?

The consequences of drug and alcohol addiction are far-reaching, affecting not only the individual but also their family and also the local community. Substance abuse leads to mental and physical health issues, financial troubles, and wider social problems.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in Liverpool, the best solution is to seek professional help. The best way to do so is by contacting, the leading addiction treatment advisor in the UK.

Why findrehab? provides advise on personalised and evidence-based addiction treatment to help individuals overcome their addiction and reclaim their lives through sobriety. Our team of experienced professionals offers a wide range of services, including detoxification, rehabilitation both residential and outpatient options, and aftercare support.

In conclusion

Drug and alcohol addiction is a growing problem in Liverpool. The statistics are distressing. It's crucial to seek professional help to overcome addiction. is the best solution for individuals looking to reclaim their lives and break free from their addiction. Our experienced professionals, personalised treatment, evidence-based approach, and aftercare support make us the go-to addiction treatment resource in Liverpool. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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